Kids Swim
Adults Swim
Contact Us

Contact: (703) 472-3222
Of Northern Michigan
Millions of adult Americans - by some estimates over 30 Million, cannot swim. Many of these non-swimmers were raised by non-swimming parents who passed on their fears of swimming onto their children. Some may have had a near drowning experience, and since that time, kept a safe distance from the water. For many, economic disadvantage prevented them from enjoying the sport of swimming. For some kids, (and adults) self-perception of appearance in a swimsuit was enough to keep them out of the water. 
When the American Red Cross conducted a Water Safety Poll. This poll had many questions about water recreation. One question in particular asked was "How well can you swim?" 
1/3 of respondents rated their swimming skills as Fair, Poor or Cannot Swim at All. This is an alarming statistic, and not just from a personal or public safety perspective. Non-swimmers are missing out on a world of fun, exercise and togetherness in the water. 
And children from non-swimming households are eight times as likely to be at-risk of drowning.
Is it easy for adults to learn how to swim? Probably not, just as learning a language as an adult is more difficult than as a child. 
But it can be done.
Most adults can learn basic swimming skills in as little as 2-3 lessons....but many want to continue to learn, and we are here to help you achieve your goals.

Please be sure to fill out a Health Survey and Registration/Liability Form before attending your first session.  
Contact Us

Adult  Private/Semi Private Swim Lessons
Benefits / Reasons
Learning to Swim as an Adult can be:
1. Fun, Healthy & Social
2. You may save a life 
(it may be yours).
3. Great Exercise for all the parts of your body! 

If you're thinking about learning to swim as an adult, and you think you  don't look so hot in a swimsuit, well, neither do the rest of us. Once you're in the pool, it's all underwater anyway.
So, give it a try! 
Learn to Swim - 
you'll be glad you did! 
Private/ Semi Private lessons are offered for $60/ half hour (+ $5 add'l person)  - but if you have a few friends we could arrange an adult group lesson session. Feel free to contact me to discuss what options we might have ... I am happy to be flexible to meet your needs!

Want to put together your own class?